Maqam Dalanshin

A member of the Maqam Rast Family

Maqam Index

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E5♮ D5♭ C5 B4<i class='icon-halfflat'></i> A4 G4 F4 E4<i class='icon-halfflat'></i> D4♮ C4

Maqam Dalanshin starts with Jins Saba Dalanshin on the octave of Maqam Rast then transitions back to the Maqam Rast scale with Jins Upper Rast on the 5th degree (with its tonic up on the 8th degree), and Jins Rast on the tonic.

There are not too many songs in this maqam, instead it is more frequently used as a modulation from Maqam Rast.

Explore other maqamat in the Maqam Rast Family.

Watch a 1-minute sample Violin Taqsim in Maqam Dalanshin by Sami Abu Shumays.