Jins Saba Dalanshin New

A special version of Jins Saba with its tonic on the 3rd degree

Jins Index

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G4 G4♯ A4 B4<i class='icon-halfflat'></i> C5 D5♭ E5♮ F5

Jins Saba Dalanshin is a special case of Jins Saba which has no ghammaz, and therefore no defined size. Its melody is centered around its tonic, notated here on C. The intervals above the tonic are more or less identical to Jins Hijaz. The note that is 2 degrees below the tonic (in this case A) is a secondary tonic.

Jins Saba Dalanshin occurs on the octave of Maqam Rast, which in this case becomes known as Maqam Dalanshin. It also occurs on the 5th degree of Maqam Shawq Afza.